Hello everyone, and happy Wednesday! Have you ever heard somebody rave about their hospital experience and utter phrases such as “Wow, that hospital was stunning” or “I really enjoyed my time in the hospital”?
I’m guessing not…unless you’ve got a friend who’s stayed in the beautiful Hospital de Sant Pau in Barcelona. Which is…totally FREE right now!
Through March 16th, you can get into the hospital for free. Big deal, right? Actually, yes! It’s said to be the biggest modernist complex in the world, and it truly is spectacular. I went on Saturday morning (well, me and about 5000 Catalan grannies who were thrilled at the discount) and honestly felt like I was stealing something. I couldn’t believe something like this was being given to me for free:
It’s free because the hospital is being newly opened after four years of intensive renovation. I’ve only been in Barcelona for two-ish years, so I hadn’t ever seen it unveiled. It’s by the same architect who designed the Palau de la Música Catalana – Lluís Domènech i Montaner, perhaps better known as “the one that’s not Gaudí”.
So if you’re in Barcelona over the next 11 days, I definitely recommend taking a couple hours to visit the Hospital de Sant Pau. After that, the fees go up to €8 (or €5.60 discounted entry), which isn’t terrible considering how much entry to other modernist attractions will cost you.
By the way, who else is stoked that we’re finally in March and spring is on the way? I already feel much better physically for a bit more sunshine, slightly longer days, and slowly rising temperatures.
So naturally I’m taking advantage of the forthcoming spring weather by heading to Oslo tomorrow. I’m looking forward to it, but will definitely be glad to get back to the sunshine!
The post The Best Free Deal in Barcelona Right Now appeared first on Barcelona Blonde.